This is for any asana session, some sessions are completely free so no need to pay, and special events are charge separately.
Valid for 1 month
Keep this ticket for your Full Moon Rituals and special events!
Valid for 12 months
This is an Equinox Celebrations ticket for Equinox First Days of Spring Ritual (21st Mar) and Full Moon Ritual (25 Mar) also giving you unlimited access to 7 days of yoga for just £25.
Valid for 1 week
3 Class Pass
Join YitS for any sessions you like. The class passes do not include special events, which may sometimes be free, or more, depending on what the events are.
Valid for 3 months
This is for people who can't attend regular yoga sessions as a member, but would like to attend our evening rituals!
This is a THREE MOON PASS. You can attend three luna rituals.
Valid for 12 months
Membership - Pay as you wish option ★ Low income
As a member you get unlimited sessions, guest list or discounts on special events, you can bring friends to 2 sessions / mo, and you can book the studio for yourself and friends or loved ones.
Monthly renewal
per month
Couples Special Offer Membership
Couples membership / Unlimited yoga sessions for both of you £69/mo - email after purchase.
Monthly renewal
per month
Membership - Pay as you wish option ★★ Standard
As a member you get unlimited sessions, guest list or discounts on special events, you can bring friends to 2 sessions / mo, and you can book the studio for yourself and friends or loved ones.
Monthly renewal
per month
Membership - Pay as you wish ★ ★ ★ Community Supporter
As a member you get unlimited sessions, guest list or discounts on special events, you can bring friends to 2 sessions / mo, and you can book the studio for yourself and friends or loved ones.
Monthly renewal
per month