Sobota, 2 oktober • 16:00 - 17:30
Anne Verpalen
YMA Immersions.
Enriching your practice and teaching skills.

Are you curious?
Then join Anne in this “enrich your practice and teaching” serie. These series are meant for graduates of the Yoga Minds Academy who want to continue their journey of exploring themselves.

This serie consist of 4 meetings. We meet about once every two weeks on Saturdays from 16:00-17:30.

Our main focus will be to enrich the experience of our practice through exploring ourselves and learning to express what we find. And thus also learn to guide our students into enriching their experience of the practise through this exploration.

These explorations are anchored in (yet not limited too) human anatomy, physiology and kinesiology. As we work with small groups (max 6 students) there is lots of room for asking questions and sharing experiences.

For who are these Immersions?
These immersions are for graduates of the YMA 300 hr training who are curious and want to continue their journey of self exploration.