Vinyasa Anatomy Training - Studio
Fredag, 14 maj • 10:00 - 11:30
Anne Verpalen
We are happy to inform you that the Yoga Minds Academy offers a 4-class IN THE STUDIO Vinyasa-Anatomy training led by Anne. In this training we will explore 4 different anatomical features and how we can work with them though movement.

The dates are May 14th, 21th & 28th and June 4th, every Friday from 10:00-11:30.
You can register for the complete training of 4 classes or you can register for a single class.

Class 1, Vinyasa Yoga, spinal movements
Class 3, Vinyasa Yoga, pelvic movements
Class 4, Vinyasa Yoga, shoulder girdle movements
Class 5, Vinyasa Yoga, the feet

Price single class 15,-
Prive complete training 50,-
After completing the whole training, the student will receive a certificate of completion.