Petite Retreat (mini yoga retreat) On-Demand
Sexta-feira, 7 agosto • 19:00 - 21:00
the comfort of your own home
Claire O’Brien
Would you like a massage for your mind, and to take a couple of hours out just for you and to focus on your own self care?

We’ve all been through an emotional rollercoaster this year, since the country went into lockdown, and it’s really important to take time out for ourselves. We must look after our own mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. This 2 hour session, will help to reset and balance you mentally, physically and emotionally. Let’s face it, who couldn’t be doing with some of that right now.

This oasis of calm, restoration, rejuvenation and relaxation will be delivered via recording, you’ll receive a unique link and password once you book yourself into the on demand booking.

During this session you will practice pranayama (breath control techniques), guided meditation, gentle yoga asana (postures) practice, and an extended Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation/yoga sleep).

If you’d like to escape the stresses and strains of current life for a couple of hours, then join me for a blissful evening of deep relaxation. Let any stress, tension and pressure melt away, and finish the session feeling relaxed, released and rejuvenated, and with some additional tools up your sleeve to help you cope practically with stress on a day to day basis.

What you need to know:

Where - The comfort of your own home

When - whenever suits you.

What do you need ? yourself, a yoga mat, blanket, cushion, and most importantly, an open mind.