Yoga For Athletes 6 Weeks Course
Lunedì, settembre 6 • 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Backrock, Co. Louth, Zenergy Studios
Orla Mc Adam
Whether you are new to running or training for your 20th Triathlon, a county club player or just want to be able to kick the ball around with your kids, incorporating Yoga into your regular sport routine offers huge benefits.
No previous Yoga Experience crazy advanced Yoga Poses.
In this 1hr Weekly Yoga class we will be discovering what brings so many elite athletes and sportspeople onto the mat. Yoga can improve strength, endurance as well as flexibility. Yoga can help with mental focus and improve breathing. The risks of repetitive motion found in many sports can be alleviated with yoga poses, therefore reducing the risk of injury.

Whether you are a competitive athlete or a weekend warrior your athletic performance can benefit from the integration of Yoga into your training. The addition of a yoga practice helps in balancing both the physical and mental demands placed on the athlete in both training and competition.

Join Orla Mc Adam for targeting muscle groups for specific sports. Breath practices to release emotional and physical tension stored in the body (pre-race/game anxiety) - Increase mind-body awareness and physiology in relation to posture in all sports .
Paying particular attention to our cores, balance, hamstrings, hip flexors, hips , shoulders and spines.

Orla come from a very sporting backround having swam competitively for many years and completed many triathlons up to Iron Man level. Shes no stranger to injuy and how to treat them and most importantly how to AVOID THEM!