Saturday Flowing Yoga
Saturday, 16 March • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
6 Ways Yoga Studio
Charlotte Coates
Charlotte's passion for yoga started in 2013 after relocating to Cheltenham. To complement strength training she soon realised the value yoga had on her mind as well as her body. Working in an office meant that her time on the mat was valuable and necessary after a long days work. After completing 200 hr Vinyasa Teacher Training in 2016, Charlotte left her full time office job to become a yoga teacher and massage therapist. Knowing how every single body is different and everyone goes on their separate journeys throughout the day, Charlotte encourages that connection with the body and mind, helping to ensure her students get what they need from their practice at that time. Charlotte's classes are fun, dynamic with some strong poses to push her students to get the most out of their precious time but then allows space for softness. Her love for music comes across in her classes, and she strives for people to enjoy themselves and find their flow.
A flowing, dynamic class combined with breath and softer elements. Welcome to your Saturday. Get moving, rebalance your energy and find space to calm your mind.