IN STUDIO Gentle Yoga
Friday, 9 September • 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
6 Ways Yoga
Jo Fellows
Jo is a compassionate and intuitive Advanced Yoga teacher (Yoga Alliance International). Her sessions are friendly, fun and delivered with a down-to-earth approach. They’re suitable for those new to yoga and experienced yogis alike, and are designed to revitalise your spirit and restore balance to your mind and body. Jo is also a Reiki Master/teacher, Meditation teacher (BSoM) and Sound Massage Therapist (Peter Hess Institute).
This class is an invitation to slow down, ease your body, use your breath in a therapeutic way and calm your nervous system. Starting slowly with mindful breathing. Moving through your body to warm, release, stretch and free your joints. The practice progresses to a slow flow visiting key postures and sequences that are more gentle. We spend most of the time reclined, seated, prone and on hands and knees. This class is designed to ease the tight and tense spots in your body. We move slowly and softly. This practice is a good partner to more dynamic exercise. Suitable for beginners and anyone looking to deeply connect to their body through a softer practice. We end in a luxurious relaxation.