ONLINE Gentler Hatha
Tisdag, 2 mars • 10:00 fm - 11:15 fm
6 Ways Yoga
Jo Fellows
Jo is a compassionate and intuitive Advanced Yoga teacher (Yoga Alliance International). Her sessions are friendly, fun and delivered with a down-to-earth approach. They’re suitable for those new to yoga and experienced yogis alike, and are designed to revitalise your spirit and restore balance to your mind and body. Jo is also a Reiki Master/teacher, Meditation teacher (BSoM) and Sound Massage Therapist (Peter Hess Institute).
This is a class that leaves you feeling full of energy, yet relaxed, calm and quiet. Gentler Hatha allows us to practice yoga in a way that completely honours your body, and brings peace, balance, and harmony to your mind, body, heart, and soul. Experience a practice based on self-inquiry, compassion, and adapting the poses to your body's ability while working at your edge. We’ll start with a soft breathing practice, or calming meditation to balance the nervous system. Comfortable Hatha stretches will help to build stability, while easy flows will warm the body and release muscular tension. Therapeutic and yin postures will help to cultivate ease and balance in the body and mind, so that you’ll find it easy to fall into a deep state of relaxation in our final luxurious posture. Suitable for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike.
Zoom link sent via email prior to class.