LIVE 75 Minute Vinyasa & Meditation ( + AVAILABLE ON DEMAND)
Vrijdag, augustus 7 • 9:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
from your home via Zoom
Lydiana Abbott
Class will start with 15 minutes of guided meditation and breathing exercises, followed by a 60 minute asana practice. Expect the same fluid movement with clear instructions and alignment cues.

Day 3/5. Each week will be working towards a peak pose. Friday is the third day of the new pose we will be learning. This means we will be learning movements that build strength and flexibility into the parts of the body required to practice a specific asana.

All levels welcome. Modifications and variations will be given to suit each individual's practice of yoga.

This class will be live-streamed until further notice. A link will be sent out via email for you to connect to this class. This class is also available on demand. If you are unable to make the class a link will be sent out and will be available for 48 hours.