Workshop: Ayurvedic Selfcare
Venerdì, 18 ottobre • 18:00 - 21:00
Rosendaalsestraat 361-b
Adrienne Oudenampsen
Invite Ayurveda to your daily life.
Immerse yourself in ancient and time proof knowledge of life.
This workshop covers:
- The basics of Ayurveda and its ancient philosophy
- 8 sources of unbalance: How life in the 21st century has the potential to unbalance all 3 doshas
- Ayurvedic daily routine (Dinacharya)
- Why massage is so essential in Ayurveda, and how to give yourself a daily massage – self care with love
- Useful Ayurvedic herbs and spices, and some home remedies for common ailments.

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Wanda is an Ayurvedic Massage Therapist, Shankara Skin Care Trainer, Art of Living happiness program teacher (since 2011, India), and Prison Smart teacher. She is also alumni of Sacred Window School, New Mexico, USA, where she received the title: Ayurvedic Postpartum Specialist (Ayurdoula). In 2015 Wanda completed the Mother and Baby program with Sri Ayurveda in Canada.

Kosten: €40,-