Yoga for mental health
Sábado, 15 janeiro • 12:30 - 13:25
Wivelsfield Church Hall
Ylva Jones
Join this course for anyone who has never done yoga to more experienced yogis. The focus will be to learn how to use our bodies and breath to feel better in our minds. These last couple of years have been trying to say the least. Some changes might feel really good and some might feel less good. Nevertheless there are a lot of new things to adjust to, coupled with a lot of uncertainty. A perfect set-up for mental unease.

There are things we can do to help ourselves feel better, we know a lot of them already, moving our bodies, breathing, meditating, mindfulness and so on. But for some reason a lot of us struggle to find the time to put this knowledge into practice.

During this course we will learn ways to make that step into action smaller and easier. During the classes we will practice ways to both up-regulate for when we are feeling down and down-regulate when we are feeling stressed so that we can give ourselves what we need. But most importantly we will learn how to know what it is that we need.

By knowing several different techniques and variations of things that help us feel better we are both more likely to put them into practice and they will be more efficient. It is like expanding our vocabulary for feeling better, when we understand how we are feeling and know what we can do to improve it, we naturally want to do it.

So yes, this course will hopefully make you feel better whilst doing it, but it will mainly equip you with tools and ways to use them so that you can carry on this work for the rest of your life. Imagine whenever you start to feel down or stressed to know how to improve that straight away.

For this class bring your own mat, yoga block and pillow (if you don't have your own, let me know and we will work it out)

Signing up for the course also gives you free entry to any of the other weekly classes I offer in Wivelsfield (does not include other courses or workshops)