Evening Practice
Segunda-feira, agosto 15 • 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Jacqueline Gilbey
Jacqueline’s practice and study come from the awareness and compassion teachings from the Buddhist and Yoga traditions. Her yoga training comes from a mix of schools and perspectives that are influenced by Vanda Scaravelli, BKS Iyengar, and the Ashtanga tradition. She has a gentle teaching style that challenges without force or strain. She has been teaching since 2002 and has over 30 years of Vipassana (Buddhist Insight Meditation) practice. Jacqueline’s classes reflect her own intention to find freedom in the body, heart, and mind with wisdom and kindness.
Come to Evening Practice after your day and feel the benefits of letting go. Expect a blend of hatha yoga postures with stretches to release the effects of stress and distraction, strengthening poses to increase stamina, breathing practices to develop awareness and vitality, and restorative postures to set the mind and body for rest.