Ashtanga Mysore
Monday, 6 March • 08:30 - 10:00
Levantplein 18, 1019 MK Amsterdam
Jessica Ludäscher
Please arrive between 08.30 and 09.00.

Best described as a guided self practice in a group setting, all levels are welcome! Mysore practice is the traditional way that Ashtanga Yoga is practiced and taught in the city of Mysore, in South India.

The Mysore class allows individuals to move through the sequence at their own pace, without the need to look or listen for the next instruction. That’s why you can walk in between 08.30 and 09.00, you begin and practice at your own pace.

The teacher moves around the room, assisting students individually, as well as teaching new postures when the student is ready. By this method, the body learns to flow effortlessly through the postures, allowing for a peaceful and deeply meditative experience.

This method allows practitioners to receive individual instruction within a group setting. Hands on as well as verbal adjustments will be provided.