Ashtanga Led
Thursday, 9 March • 09:00 - 10:30
Levantplein 18, 1019 MK Amsterdam
Jessica Ludäscher
Please be on time, doors open at 08:50.

A beginners class is a chance to learn the fundamental poses in the Ashtanga Yoga sequence. Here you are introduced to the order of the poses, coordinating breath with movement, and how to use your breath and internal muscles to find alignment in your body. In a beginners class you discover what your body is capable of, the quality of your breath and the quality of your concentration. You begin to build a relationship with your body, breath and mind. This class will introduce you to the fundamental opening sequence, the first few asanas of the primary series and the fundamental closing sequence of Ashtanga Yoga.

Classes are cancelled approximately 2 - 3 hours in advance if there are less than 2 participants signed up. Thank you for your understanding!