Summer After Party
Online Privado
Viernes, 16 septiembre • 19:00 - 21:00
Yvonne L Loorij
Strala and Yin yoga, Inspiration and FUN!
That's what will happen during this 2 hour online event.
We'll balance out the Yin and Yang to harmonize the Earth Element - nourish our bodies with some ease-full yoga, our hearts with inspiration (bring a journal!) and our souls with fun and connection!

Late Summer is associated with the Earth Element in TCM*. It symbolizes connection, balance and transformation. It's all about nourishment and development, both physically and mentally.

The Earth Element asks:
- What parts of your life are coming to fruition? Where is there a rich harvest?
- In what ways are you supported in life?
- How can you simplify and prevent overthinking?

Let's dive into this together and enjoy the Summer After Party!

*TCM=Traditional Chinese Medicine. An ancient approach for holistic health and wellness - inspired by patterns in nature - that sees the body as a complete system that must be balanced to work in harmony.