Yoga Trapeze - The gentle wake up
Giovedì, 22 settembre • 09:00 - 10:00
Elixir Vitae
NSTRUCTOR: Marija Grgurević
Yoga trapeze is an aid that deepens the physical impact of your yoga and fitness practices while helping your body relax into more fascial mobility and flexibility. It makes yoga available to all ages, body types and physical fitness levels.
This class is a more gentle practice on the trapeze to start your day with a peaceful mind and slowly wake up your vibrant energy. It is accessible even to those with more limited mobility.

Osim izvrsnog terapijskog efekta na tijelo, ljuljačka nam pruža mogućnosti za jedan dinamičan i intenzivan oblik vježbe koji produbljuje prisutnost, podiže raspoloženje, aktivira sve mišiće tijela kroz dinamičke vježbe snage i izdržljivosti, te nam daje dublji pristup fleksibilnosti kroz drugačiji odnos s gravitacijom.
Ovaj sat je nježniji i terapeutski, dostupan i onima s ograničenom mobilnosti.