Prenatal Yoga & Fitball
Mittwoch, März 20 • 7:15 PM - 8:15 PM
Katie MAK
Prenatal yoga is specially designed for expected moms tailoring to their unique body needs throughout journey of pregnancy.

We will start the flow with guided meditation and breathing exercise, followed by yoga postures with the aid of yoga tools to open and strengthen the muscles, which are essential for labour and postnatal recovery.

You will feel connected with your body and mind , finishing the class with alleviated discomforts and relaxed mind.

Just join our nurturing and positive community, all transitioning into the role of motherhood.

Our experienced and qualified prenatal yoga instructors will guide you through.

This class is also followed by a sequence of classic fitball exercise tailor to unique needs of the childbearing body. Let's get on to the fitballs, building up our pelvic floor with strength and flexibility and releasing tension in our low back and hips.

For pregnant ladies from 12 weeks. You can consult your obstetrician before starting the session.