Yoga for Runners by Jacky
Zaterdag, oktober 3 • 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
fab YOGA
Running and yoga is a good marriage of strength and flexibility.

Yoga is a whole-body system that builds strength, flexibility and mobility. It can benefit runners in optimising performance and preventing injuries.
When your muscles are warm and soft after a run, practicing yoga will make you feel a lot better the next day.
Post-run yoga will decrease injuries and improve the strength of muscles. It can also improve the muscles' access to healthy blood and oxygen. By increasing blood and oxygen flow to muscles, tendons, and ligaments, yoga boosts flexibility, reduces soreness, and speeds recovery.

Yoga for Runners class will focus on lower body, areas that are most impacted by running, such as hamstrings, hips, and IT bands. The goal of this class is to address muscle imbalances, help to avoid injuries, and overall help to make you stronger.

This class is very suitable for beginners. Non-runners are welcome to join as well.