In person Hatha Yoga class - upstairs @ Fire Station Creative, Dunfermline
Tisdag, 24 januari • 18:30 - 19:30
Fire Station Creative, Dunfermline, Upstairs, access from FSC car park.
Mark Townsend
In person Hatha Yoga - Please try and book at least 24 hours before class starts.

Gimmie Yoga classes are 60 minutes long and generally consist of a seated warm up, standing poses / flow, slower floor based work and then a closing Savasana. Savasana is form of relaxation at the end of a class. We take this lying down on our back on the yoga mat.

Most yoga poses have a variety of options and so you would simply take the option to suit your practice. Everyone is on their own journey and there is no judgement!

The class is open to starters, beginners, intermediates and all ages and stages. And also returners!

Please bring your own mat and any props such as blocks, tiles, bricks, blanket and a strap.

This is an in person class held upstairs at:
Fire Station Creative, Carnegie Dr, Dunfermline, KY12 7AN