Sunday Relax and Restore Session
Domenica, 29 maggio • 18:00 - 19:00
Zoom Online
Julia Krajnakova
An hour practice in slow pace, focusing on long holds, stillness and deep breathing.

Restorative yoga is a restful practice, supported by props to create the conditions for us to cultivate the skill of conscious relaxation and most importantly to release unnecessary habitual tension in the body and mind.

We will hold poses between 10-15 mins each to allow a time for the body to relax, cultivate a sense of safety, which pulls us out of “flight or fight” mode, and initiates the body’s self-healing process.

Shorter days, darker nights are perfect time to slow down, to unwind, to support and strengthen nervous system, to allow for a deep rest.

No experience needed, everyone is welcome. Bring your props and your wonderful self, exactly as you are.

Useful additional props apart from yoga mat:
2 blankets
2 yoga blocks
2-3 cushions
A bolster
An eye pillow ( or any eye covering ) for more comfort and deeper relaxation