Yoga for Deep Relaxation with Nurturing Somatic, Restorative and Yoga Nidra £17
Sonntag, 18 Oktober • 17:00 - 19:00
Zoom Online
Julia Krajnakova
"Slowing down is just another way of waking up."

Slow down and tune in to your body, create feeling of well-being and counteract the effects of chronic stress.

Experience nurturing slow movements and mindful breathing with Somatic Yoga. Re-educate the brain so that it can relax and move the muscles more functionally. Allow yourself to totally let-go’ in healing Restorative poses - feeling of being’ rather than doing’. With Yoga Nidra - guided meditation to finish off the practice.
Discover how just in these a couple of hours, supported rest can improve your mood, your energy and your physical comforts and ease. You will feel deeply rested and revitalised, ready for Autumn ahead.

Everyone is welcome. This workshop is suitable for all. No experience necessary.