Thursday, 4 August • 07:00 - 08:15
Natalija Fallocca
Natalija's combines the benefits of powerful yoga, anatomical precision and mindfulness to help you feel balanced and grounded, yet strong and energized.
You can book this class by buying the entire package of 8 sessions, 4 sessions, or single drop in classes. Read more...

Begin a transformational yoga experience by building your morning routine and lasting home practice!

August 2nd-25th, 2022 // Tuesdays and/or Thursdays
Buy a package of 4 or 8 classes, see pricing "August Special"

07:00 - 08:15

07:00 - 08:00 Asana
08:00 - 08:15 Pranayama, Meditation
(at 08:00 students have the opportunity to leave the class earlier)

Level 2 (incl. modifications for level 1)
not suitable for beginners

All classes will be recorded and made available to all participants until the end of October
(4 or 8 recordings, depending on the package).

Your benefits:
A yoga practice in the early morning hours not only helps you to avoid the heat of hot summer days. You’ll build more strength and flexibility in your body, you’ll feel increased alertness, more overall energy, mental clarity and relaxation, better focus, happier mood and a deeper sleep. Besides all these positive effects you’ll be motivated to make healthier food choices throughout the day, boosting your digestive fire and strengthening your immune system.

Participation made easy:
If for some reason you just can’t get out of bed or have other commitments, you’ll find the recorded class with top audio in your inbox on the same day! And that’s not all, you’ll have access to the recordings until the end of October, to keep you on track! Not even a planned vacation trip or a late night can stop you.

Create a healthy habit:
The video recordings are there to fill the gaps on the other weekdays and to support your practice for a total of 3 months. Give yourself time to get used to your new routine, repeat the classes when and how often you like. Create a healthy habit which will change your life!

Meet the teacher:
Natalija has started her devotional Yoga path in India in 2007 and has deeply immersed into the practice ever since by integrating a regular morning routine from the beginning. She’s an entrepreneur, mother, serious yoga student and authentic yoga teacher who knows the value of a harmonious work-life-balance. Heartfelt advice she gives: „Don’t wait for the "right moment" in time to begin. Even in the most demanding times of your life the integration of a simple yoga practice can help you to create strength, focus, efficiency as well as serenity and peace.“

Teaching style:
Natalija’s classes are powerful but calm, nourishing, precise, and accessible. She combines the benefits of classical yoga, anatomical precision and mindfulness to help you feel strong, energised, balanced and grounded. Each session brings depth and clarity with the aim to move beyond the asana practice and to connect a little deeper with your own essence, to find lasting harmony deep within.

Restore your energy and evolve in your practice!