🧘 Workshop: Introduction to Ayurveda
Sobota, 20 november • 15:00 - 17:00
Gowri | ENG | Veeraraghavan
Kijk voor alle info over de docenten op de website: www.neoyogadelft.nl/docenten/
Ayurveda is the oldest healing system which originated in India more than 5000 years ago. It is considered the ‘mother of all natural healing systems’ by many scholars. 

This ‘Introduction to Ayurveda’ workshop will be a good kickstart, whether you are new to Ayurveda or have read about it and are curious to know more about some basic ayurvedic principles. Besides finding out about the basic principles, you will also learn about your ‘Prakruti’ (constitution) and diet, lifestyle and routine for different constitutions. The content of this workshop will also be useful for any subsequent workshops on Ayurveda. 

PRIJS: €25,- (25% korting met abonnement)

This workshop is in English, Gowri spreekt ook Nederlands