Align & Shine
Wednesday, November 23 • 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM
567 Calef Highway Barrington, NH, Yoga Room
Emily Hammond Ewing
(Please pre-register for this class at least 60 minutes before class start time)

In this morning yoga class you'll enjoy a quiet stillness when you arrive, begin class with a slow flow to get the body warmed up, and then energize your body and mind with more vigorous postures. You will leave class feeling grounded, revitalized, and prepared to flow into the rest of your day. In this class, postures are practiced to align, strengthen and promote flexibility in the body. This class explores variations of sun salutations, a range of standing, seated, and supine postures, breath work, and a relaxing savasana to close out the class. Props will be used in this class to insure proper alignment and students are encouraged to modify poses to create the experience they need for that moment.