Radiant Yin
Onsdag, 19 september • 20:30 - 21:45
Pieterstraat 2
Radiant Yin Yoga classes are a full immersion in body and breath awareness. Radiant Yin Yoga gives a deep relaxation and is a great antidote for our busy and often stressful lives while improving mental clarity and intuition. Yin Yoga allows you to become calm and find your centre.

Radiant Yin Yoga classes allow you to settle into yourself. Into your own body, mind, emotions and energy to shine from the inside out. Radiant Yin allows you to return to your natural range and ease of motion and gives you an nice energetic boost as you come back into balance

Radiant Yin Yoga classes will leave you grounded, at ease and peace and radiant.

Be you. Be radiant.