Lunch Yoga: Stretch (Thursday 12:10 p.m.)
Thursday, April 4 • 12:10 PM - 12:50 PM
One Soul Yoga, Main Studio
Emma Hampton
Emma earned her 200-hour certification from One Soul Yoga in 2023.She started her yoga journey at One Soul in 2021 and fell in love with the atmosphere of the studio and the benefits of yoga. She would love to provide those same feelings for others through her classes - creating a safe, judgment-free space to work on our practice. Her other passions are coffee, plants, and books. Her loves are her husband and her dogs!
Have just a few minutes to spare for yoga? Stretch & Flow Express is a shortened version of the 8:00 am class. This 40-minute mid-day class focuses mainly on deep stretching and slow-moving sequences held for several breaths to help loosen the body and reduce tension. The slower pace allows each individual to explore their own postures and alignment to deepen their practice. At times, class will explore meditation and aspects of yin and/or restorative yoga for relaxation and healing. Perfect for those looking to gain flexibility and range of motion. Class always ends in savasana. Stretch & Flow is suitable for all skill levels.