Somatic Session Pop-Up
Monday, March 25 • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
One Soul Yoga Studio
DeAnna McDearmont
DeAnna (E-RYT 500, YACEP) is a co-owner and instructor at One Soul who initially began her yoga training to deepen her own personal practice and soon found a love of leading others through their yoga journey. Her belief is that everyone can benefit from yoga both mentally and physically. DeAnna likes teaching a slower paced class that emphasizes mind/body awareness, breathing and deep stretching. She loves to learn and is constantly broadening her yogic knowledge to share with others. She has a special interest in the chakra system, sound healing and meditation. She holds practitioner certification in Sound Healing as well as 200-hour Kundalini, Meditation, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga and Trauma Informed Yoga.
Somatic Session Pop-Up w/ DeAnna Monday March 25 6-7:15 pm

In this 75-minute practice, Leah will guide you through breath work, body mapping, and physical practice to become more in tune with your mind-body connection. Without judgment, we’ll explore how and what we hold in our bodies, recognizing that the body is much more than just a physical vessel. It is also a vessel for stored emotions and memories beyond the brain. We hold “issues in our tissues,” and proper connection, breath work, and movement can aid in the release of holdings that may be hurting us.

Expect to begin with a few minutes of preparation breath work and grounding, followed by a gentle practice that’s somewhat dependent on your own intuitive movement, and finishing with an extended savasana that includes body mapping and time to simply relax and release.
$15 or included with One Soul pass.