Open Flow- (Thursday 4:45 p.m.)
Jeudi, janvier 14 • 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM
One Soul Yoga, Main Studio
Allison Martin
Allison (RYT 200) is a wife, girl mom, grandmother, nature lover and adventure seeker. Allison received her 200-RYT certification in August 2019 from Purple Lotus Yoga. She found her love for yoga purely by accident in 2012 when she was looking to change up my usual workout routine. As she attended classes, workshops and retreats she found that there was so much more to yoga than just the physical aspect and started noticing a change in her mental well-being and overall health. While she loves a sweaty power flow class, she also enjoy a nice relaxing restorative class and pretty much everything in between! Allison hopes to share her love for yoga with others as she continues to grow in her own practice. When she's not on the mat, she enjoys traveling and exploring new places, reading, cooking, and spending time outdoors.
We take public health very seriously, and we are doing our part to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
In order to keep our One Soul Yoga staff and patrons safe, please DO NOT ENTER THE STUDIO:
•if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms
•if you have recently come in direct contact with someone who has lab-tested positive for COVID-19
•if you are quarantined due to COVID-19
Also, please enter and exit One Soul Yoga wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth. You may, of course, remove your mask during your practice, and we ask that you social distance between mats.
We appreciate our patrons so much, and we want to keep you healthy and safe. Thank you for your cooperation!
Love and light,
One Soul Yoga Staff

This class will focus on working through traditional postures by matching breath to movement throughout the whole practice. We will start with slow centering techniques, including stress release and intention-setting, in order to get the most out of the practice and carry the benefit throughout the rest of our day/week. The class is suitable for all fitness levels, and modifications will be explained to allow for decreasing or increasing levels of practice. You will leave feeling both relaxed and recharged!