Yin Yoga
Thursday, 2 May • 19:00 - 20:00
Woodfalls Methodist Hall, SP5 2LH
Sally Anker
Yin yoga is a wonderful way to unwind and connect with the body and the breath. The poses are held for longer than a traditional practice, by doing this we are able to develop a deeper level of healing within the body. Reaching the tougher fibres the body is made of such as ligaments and tendons in addition to muscle fibres usually focused on during a hatha yoga class.

Yin yoga is particularly good for those that lead very busy lives and stuggle to get some down time and stillness into their day. Due to the poses being held longer we are able to rest in this stillness and bring some balance to the body. Yin=being Yang=doing.

Yin yoga also cleanses the meridian systems within the body, (these are the same channels used within acupuncture reflexology etc) helping to promote full healing and optimum bodily function.

The classes are for all abilities, please bring and props such as blankets, pillows, comfy socks etc as the body will begin to cool down being so still. (Come in your pjs if you like!)

If you're looking to
-Increase flexibliity
-Impove your overall mental and physical health
-Reduce stress
-lower blood pressure

Then this is where you need to be! Spaces are limited so please book in advance. There is lots of parking on site at the rear- access to the car park is from a little track to the left of the band hall on vale road.

Price: £6 for New Re-Root yogis, £12 pay as you go thereafter or £90 for a block of 10 classes (these don't need to be used consecutively, you have 3 months to use them :)

If you have a 10 class pass already for any of my other classes you can use your credits for this class too!