Revive Yin Yoga
Dienstag, 26 Mai • 19:00 - 20:00
Fantastic for all level to completely relax

Find a soft edge, be still, hold for time and breathe these are the tenants of yin yoga.

The long-held, deeply restful postures of Yin Yoga a type of meditative practice that complements not only the more muscularly strenuous (yang) styles of yoga or any other physical activities but can be a remedy to our fast-paced lifestyles.

This class targets the connective tissue of the hips, pelvis and lower spine. It is a mindful practice where postures are held for 3 to 5 minutes at a time.

Yin is a practice that encourages people to slow down–immersing in the kind of stillness that can lead to the expansion of consciousness.

This class is streamed live over the internet. We will send you a link to the meeting via text or email around 1 hour before the class. How you receive the link will depend on what you have added to your account in our system please be sure to have the best email or mobile phone number in your account. Just click that link and follow the instructions to connect. The first time you connect, allow for some extra time to make sure you can connect. If you require any assistance, please call us at 0414070178 or 0487312405 and we will do our best to help you.