Reiki by Donation
Quinta-feira, 23 janeiro • 18:00 - 19:00
Reiki is a powerful, yet simple natural healing energy treatment that originated in Japan. The Japanese word Reiki (pronounced ray-key) means ‘Universal Energy’

Reiki is a non-invasive therapy used to holistically promote the body’s ability of regenerative self healing.

Reiki encourages your system towards Balancing itself, it works on all levels, the Physical, Spiritual and Emotional, it energizes and heals the body.

Reiki is deeply relaxing, eases stress, and has a calming effect. It compliments modern medicine and other natural therapies, instead of feeling overwhelmed, you’ll discover a renewed clarity and purpose. These subjective changes come with physical changes associated with deep relaxation, such as a slower heart rate and easier breathing, in essence reiki revitalizes the mind, body and spirit.

The first session usually brings improvement, and the benefits grow with repeated sessions. In emergencies or during intensive care, clients often show benefit within a few minutes.

•The Reiki session should last approximately 60 minutes.
•The client will remain fully clothed and lying down on a massage
table for the entire session. Please dress comfortably.
•Reiki is facilitated by placing the hands in a series of several
different positions on or over the body. Energy is channelled out
through the palms of the Facilitator into and throughout the
person receiving the Reiki.
•You may or may not feel or be aware of anything in particular
while you are receiving Reiki, this will differ between each
individuals, some are more sensitive to energy and may notice
an immediate response, while others may experience slight
warm or tingling sensations, or nothing at all. This holds no
merit as the energy will transfer into and through the body as
needed - just as your body instinctively knows how to digest and
transport nutrients from food.
•After the session, Dave or Beverley will be happy to answer questions you may have.
•Take it easy for about an hour after your session to allow the
energy to settle into the body. Drink plenty of water.
•Consider a commitment to yourself to lead your best life. The
energy from a Reiki session will only complement your
commitment to personal wellness.