Workshop with Marque Garaux: Handstands: Standing with Confidence
Söndag, 9 april • 10:00 - 12:30
Rosendaalsestraat 361-b
Adrienne Oudenampsen
Marque will meet you where you are. Handstands are a difficult road, plain and simple, and don’t think that the people you see online floating up and down were without their individual struggles. Before you can find balance you must have the required strength to hold your body with confidence. You will learn several techniques to build this power and then ways of finding your center to avoid that tipping point.

There are no secret formulas or magic potions that will make this happen. Instead you will be armed with the tools Marque will teach you and your own perseverance. If you stick to this journey you will come out on the other side changed and with a new sense of self-empowerment.