Workshop with Marque Garaux: Intelligent Backbends: The Healing Practice of Spinal Extension
Söndag, 9 april • 14:30 - 17:00
Rosendaalsestraat 361-b
Adrienne Oudenampsen
The way you move today, greatly affects the way you will
move tomorrow. The average individual on any given day
will move their spine into flexion far more than they will
move it into extension. Our daily activities and gravity are
moving us forward at such a highly repetitive rate that the
soft tissues connected to the spine will inevitably weaken,
at some point the spine will lose it’s natural S curve, and
we will be left with a chronic pain that makes us want to
move less and less. This is all avoidable if you learn to
counter the movements of daily life with an intelligent and
balanced yoga practice. Join Marque Garaux for an
anatomical discussion, practical application and Q and A.