Stretch and Strengthen | AT THE STUDIO
Tuesday, 26 July • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Rosieglo Yoga Studio
Niki Cox
Suitable for all, this class is all about using movement and breath to bring ease and strength to the body. We take time to settle the breath and create a rhythm which guides us through a whole body warm up and throughout the practise. We create a glorious slow flow with strong holds, long stretches and twists along the way - perfect for getting you out of your head and helping to build muscle tone and bone density. We finish with a delicious Yin pose and a long guided savasana. This class is great for pulling tension out of the body and helping to settle a busy mind. An all round stress reliever.

Book with the following class passes:-
£8.50 per class with a 10 Class Flexipass
£10 per single class

If you are new to Rosieglo Yoga please complete our Health Form before joining an online class.

If you would like to join us in the studio for a Free Taster Class please get in touch so that we can book you in as spaces are limited.