Yang into Yin | AT THE STUDIO
Fredag, 2 september • 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
Rosieglo Yoga Studio
Isabella Ferrante
Yang into Yin is a class that blends two different styles of yoga. The yang part of the class will start with sun salutes followed by a dynamic Vinyasa flow for the first 30 minutes. We'll then go down to the floor to cool down in preparation for the yin part of the class where poses will be held for a few minutes to give our muscles, joints and connective tissues a deep stretch. Improved flexibility, a stronger body and increased stamina are the benefits of this class that will leave you feeling calmer and more grounded.

Book with the following class passes:-
£8.50 per class with a 10 Class Flexipass
£10 per single class

If you are new to Rosieglo Yoga please complete our Health Form before joining an online class.


If you would like to join us in the studio for a Free Taster Class please get in touch so that we can book you in as spaces are limited.