Teen Yoga for Strength and Calm | AT THE STUDIO
Torek, 12 marec • 5:00 pop. - 5:50 pop.
Rosieglo Yoga Studio
Chelsea Baker
Discover the benefits of Teen Yoga, your path to handling daily pressures, boosting confidence, and finding tranquility. Our sessions flow to a feel-good playlist, guiding you to stretch, tone, and strengthen your body and mind. By the class’s end, you’ll emerge relaxed, empowered, and prepared for what lies ahead.

If you’re aiming for fitness, strength, and holistic well-being, yoga is perfect for you. It’s a fantastic stress-reliever, fosters self-awareness and self-acceptance, and helps you recognise your incredible potential.

Yoga has been proven to significantly benefit young people’s physical and mental well-being including:

Stress Relief: Ease academic & social pressures. Yoga calms minds, reducing anxiety.
Improved Focus: Boost concentration for better grades & productivity.
Emotional Balance: Handle ups & downs, build resilience, and find positivity.
Physical Fitness: Stay active with yoga’s flexibility & strength benefits.
Healthy Habits: Inspire lifelong wellness & self-care.
Social Skills: Build connections and friendships beyond school.
Conflict Resolution: Improve self-awareness & communication skills.

Step onto the mat and discover the power of Teen Yoga – it’s not just a class; it’s a pathway to a healthier, happier, and more balanced you!

£6.50 per class with a Little Yogi 10 Class Flexipass (valid for 6 months)
£7.50 per single class with a Little Yogi Single Class Pass