Måndag, 6 juli • 5:00 em - 5:50 em
Rosieglo Yoga Online (via Zoom)
Valentina Correa Bove
This is a live online class via Zoom.

Teenage Yoga is an excellent way to help deal with everyday pressures, build confidence and find a small piece of calm in your life - particularly during the Covid-19 situation in which we currently find ourselves.

We learn to stretch, tone and strengthen our bodies and minds. If you’re looking to get fit, strong and have a healthy body and mind then yoga is a great choice.

It’s an awesome stress-buster, promotes self awareness and acceptance and guides you to understand how incredible you are.

At the end of class you’ll feel chilled out, in control and ready for tomorrow.

Book with our usual class passes:
£6.50 per class with a Little Yogi 10 Class Flexipass
£7.50 per single class with a Little Yogi Single Class Pass

Once you have booked you will be sent an email with a link to join the class half an hour before the class starts.

Please refer to our class Usage Policy here: https://rosieglo.co.uk/disclaimer/

If you are new to Rosieglo Yoga please complete our Health Form before joining an online class.


How do I join a Zoom ‘meeting’?

Email link:
You will receive an email invitation from the meeting host.
Click on the link in the email and you will be taken to the meeting.

Do I need to download Zoom?
You do not have to have a Zoom account to attend a Zoom meeting. You will be prompted to download the software, once you have clicked on the link that you have been provided. You may also wish to create an account, but that is not required to participate in a Zoom meeting.

From the Zoom app:
Open the Zoom app on your desktop, Start button, Zoom folder, start Zoom.
Click on Sign in.
On right side menu Select "Sign In with SSO"
Enter your USQ username and password if prompted.
Click on Join.
Enter the Meeting ID (this is displayed in the email invitation)

Special considerations for our Teen students:
* Arrange a shared space for your son/ daughter to take the class (ideally not a bedroom).
* Arrange for the class to be delivered via your login/device etc - not your child’s phone or device, if possible.
* Ensure your son/daughter is prepared with a yoga mat and perhaps a blanket and cushion before the start of the lesson and is completely ready for the class.
* Ensure your son/daughter maintain their normal standards of dress code, as if they were having a yoga class in person.
* Please ensure your son/daughter joins the class on time
* Please feel free to be present yourself.