Family Yoga | LIVE ONLINE CLASS via Zoom
Sábado, 21 noviembre • 2:00 p. m. - 3:15 p. m.
Rosieglo Yoga Online (via Zoom)
Helle Olsen
This is a live online Family Yoga class via Zoom, streamed from our Studio based class.

Learn how to be a DJ of your emotions.

We all know how it can feel to have a ‘good day’ or a ‘bad day’ and most of us have developed ways of finding our balance again if things just don’t feel right.

But children are still finding their way and trying out different ways to cope with the stuff that goes on around them. This might be through exuberant behaviour, emotional outbursts or withdrawing internally. They may not yet have found the right tools to help them find the right balance.

In this special Family Yoga workshop we explore how yoga can help you feel more grounded and introduce simple tools to help you find balance whenever things are feeling a little out of kilter.

The workshop provides a fun and safe space and a commitment to wellness that kids can easily latch onto. We explore practical ways that really empower your child to begin to understand their emotions and learn how to dial down or up- a practise that can aid them for a lifetime.

Working in our family bubbles, we make fun poses and movements that help you and your child feel more present in your body and calm in your mind. We challenge our senses with a few different activities and experience how our senses can calm down to a beautiful meditation.

Our focus for this workshop is on challenging our senses, helping children to find tools they can use to readjust their balance on the inside, and response to their environment on the outside. As a parent you’ll get to know the different tools and be able to help them, practising together.

We explore the concept of being a DJ of our emotions with a mixing board of dials and knobs. Yoga teaches them how to adjust the volume, change channels or add some bass so that we have a perfectly balanced mix.

For some children it is not always easy to access all these knobs and dials. Learn how to help them 😉

Ideal from age 4 and up.
£20 for adult and 1 child
£25 for adult and 2 children
£30 for adult and 3 children

If you’d like to add more children or more adults please get in touch at

If you are new to Rosieglo Yoga please complete our Health Form before joining an online class.

How do I join a Zoom ‘meeting’?

Email link:
You will receive an email invitation from the meeting host.
Click on the link in the email and you will be taken to the meeting.

Do I need to download Zoom?
You do not have to have a Zoom account to attend a Zoom meeting. You will be prompted to download the software, once you have clicked on the link that you have been provided. You may also wish to create an account, but that is not required to participate in a Zoom meeting.

From the Zoom app:
Open the Zoom app on your desktop, Start button, Zoom folder, start Zoom.
Click on Sign in.
On right side menu Select "Sign In with SSO"
Enter your USQ username and password if prompted.
Click on Join.
Enter the Meeting ID (this is displayed in the email invitation)