Go Deeper Spring Sessions
Domingo, marzo 26 • 12:30 p. m. - 2:00 p. m.
Amber Lagace

This mini-workshop series aims to support yoga practitioners interested in deepening their current asana practise. Each 90-minute class will be focused within the Vinyasa style of yoga and have a working theme for the month. The intention of this workshop series is to guide practitioners through more advanced postures within the class and then allow for a month of assimilating new postures into their own personal practice. 

A new season offers unique insights and energy, and the Spring Sessions will align with the uniqueness of the season.

Cost is $35 per workshop (inc HST).

If you are a Monthly Member, the Go Deeper workshops are only $28 per workshop (inc HST). Send an etransfer to hello@gentlydownthestream.org with a note and we will add the event to your account.

Full details for this class and the Spring Sessions can be found at the link below: