Kennedy H

Kennedy discovered yoga 4 years ago where she instantly felt at peace…being on the mat was the only place she could shut off.

She has been a personal trainer for 4 years and absolutely loves her “job”!! Kennedy says making people feel good mentally and physically is what she loves to do. ❤️

After having her son she was threw in the deep end and faced alot of challenges and hard times; which is where she cultivated her mental & physical resilience and strength from. 🕊️

Kennedy said she wants to embody that strength in her classes and guide people to find their power not only on the mat, but also in their life. 💫

Beside being a mama and a yoga teacher/ PT, she loves traveling around the world each trip at a time. 🌍

Her classes are powerful and will help you build strength in body and mind, whilst empowering you to be the best version of you! ✨

Join Kennedy on Thursday’s @ 7pm for her signature POWER YOGA ⚡️🧘‍♀️

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