** NEW DAY** Fundamentals: Level 1 for Beginners & Seasoned Practitioners ON-LINE (90min) - $18
Monday, May 20 • 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Kari Malen
Yoga has been a pillar of Kari's physical and mental health practice for over two decades. Originally she incorporated yoga as a stretching routine to maintain an athletic lifestyle which later became an exploration and fascination with the ‘so much more’ that yoga has to offer. Her classes are playful, exploratory, and designed to provide you with an embodied experience while meeting you where you are at physically. Kari's original yoga teacher training (YTT 250+) took place in Mysore, India under Yogacharya Barath Shetty – a disciple of B.K.S. Iyengar – in the IndeaYoga style, earning a teaching certificate in 2012. She is also trained in specific body care modalities including; Hip Bliss, Shoulder Recovery, Yoga & the Aging Body, Cardio Yoga Sculpt, Inversions, & Anatomy Trains – yoga for Myofascial release.
Beginners: lean into yoga as an exploration of body, breath, balance, and beyond - this class offers an entryway into the world of what yoga can do for you.

Seasoned Practitioners: revisit alignment habits and undo potentially injurious ones, focus on body articulation, proprioception, interoception, and simmer in poses a little longer than a flow class allows. Reconnect with your practice on a deeper level. Who knows what you might discover.