Relaxation Meditation & Sound Bath
Jeudi, janvier 11 • 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM
102 Elma Street West, Okotoks, AB
Shalyn Madigan
Join Shalyn on your mat to slow down, rest and reconnect with yourself. Shalyn will lead you in a guided meditation to start the class and then you will sink into the healing sounds of the OG Solfeggio Frequencies as they support you in relaxing and calming your mind and body. You will awaken out of this meditation by receiving a personal drum bath.

You can expect sound bowls, tuning forks and different drums to also be used and explored in this class. You may even get the opportunity to play some of these instruments yourself too!

Meditation is an important part of your overall health and wellness and has numerous health benefits. This class is a great way to introduce meditation into your life.