Wobbel Yoga Kids Adventure World Music - Summer Program
Fredag, 7 augusti • 11:00 - 11:45
De Nieuwe Plantage Park, Tegenover gele chalet
Rene Wyngaard
Travelling around the world with our Wobbel boards learning about instruments used in different cultures and their fascinating sounds!

If you have an interesting instrument you would like to bring along -please do! We love show & tell!

Each class starts with a little bit of mindfulness and we end with a yummy relaxation with our special Silver flute meditation.

Please bring along 2 beach towels & a bottle of water.
Wearing really comfy clothing makes sure we can jump, roll and dance with more freedom 😉
Tons of smiles & enthusiasm is essential!

Should the weather not permit our outdoor activity we will communicate this via email as the location will then change to indoors in the Studio.

Cancellation Policy:
7 days prior to activity, participant eligible for 50% refund, less than 7 day cancellation are not eligible for a refund.

Ages 4-8 years