Aerial Yin Fall Special
Venerdì, 2 ottobre • 20:00 - 21:30
Schoolstraat 28, Womanhood studio
Mariska De Roy
With the days shortening, nature withdrawing after a season of abundant bloom and the leaves changing color, there comes a need to be still and reflect. In Traditional Chinese Medicine fall season is represented by the metal element; a time for withdrawing, reflecting, change and letting go.

As the warmth of summer makes room for changes in the weather, we feel these changes in ourselves too.
Especially during fall, we like to withdraw and cocoon, resting and relaxing like the trees and the rest of nature. But unlike nature, fall is also the season where our daily lives get more hectic again. With schools, work and different courses starting; we often find ourselves rushing from one place to the other; not giving ourselves the chance to adjust to the season and follow our own natural rhythm.

During this Aerial Yin Yoga workshop we will combine the gentle and soft introspective postures of Yin with the feeling of floating and withdrawing inside our own little cocoon of the Aerial Hammock.

No experience with either the Hammock or Yin yoga is needed. There will be no acrobatics or complicated postures involved. The Hammock will help you discover more depth in your Yin yoga poses, creating a whole new experience of gentle stretch and letting go. It will leave you feeling relaxed, smiling and in sync with the wonder and elements of fall again.

Let’s start the weekend with a brand new and relaxing experience, allowing us to shift into fall feeling balanced and in harmony with our body, mind and nature.

Price: 25 euro.

Cancellation policy:
Workshops and events can be canceled by sending an email to Cancellation up to 7 days before the workshop or event is eligible for a 50 % refund. Cancellations after that grace period, are not eligible for a refund.