Aerial Yoga Basic Workshop
Fredag, 29 januar • 20:00 - 21:30
Schoolstraat 28, Womanhood studio
Melanie de Bruijn
Come and fly with us and experience the most playful way of practicing yoga! Feel your body awakening, stretching and get a wonderful relaxation in the hammocks.

Never done aerial yoga before? This is your chance!
Come to the beginners workshop and we will show you not only how to be safe IN the fabric, but also how to work WITH the fabric to create a wonderful supported yoga experience.

Aerial yoga is a fun way of experiencing yoga. On the one hand you will be challenged in this workshop, getting into poses you have never even seen. On the other hand, you will feel very supported in the fabric, experiencing the calmth en warmth of being weightless in your own little cocoon.

In this workshop Melanie will help move gentle and slowly, giving you time to experience and go as far as you like.

Price €35,-
Wear a shirt which covers your armpits, comfortable pants and not much face-makeup;-)

To keep our hammocks safe and clean we ask you to not wear clothing with buttons or zippers. Wearing a T-shirt that covers your armpits is a must.

Cancellation policy:
Workshops and events can be cancelled by sending an email to Cancellation up to 7 days before the workshop or event is eligible for a 50 % refund. Cancellations after that grace period, are not eligible for a refund.