Mindfulness Meditation with Leila
Wednesday, June 21 • 7:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Liat Pisco
Mindfulness Meditation
In this relaxing slow-paced practice, we engage in mindfulness-based stress reduction meditation (MBSR) and somatic mindful movement based in gentle yoga. We take time to intentionally experience connecting with the breath and body, training our awareness in more deliberately embracing the present moment. By purposefully slowing down, we train our minds, reset our bodies and rewire the nervous system, activating the relaxation response. We begin to connect to an inherent capacity to heal, learning to recognize the body’s subtle intelligence, stepping out of autopilot and into a more conscious, calm and balanced state. We honor the body and its different abilities, soothing the nervous system, and assist in stress management, self-regulation and homeostasis. All levels welcome.