Yin-yang yoga (75 mins)
Zaterdag, 24 september • 19:00 - 20:15
Lange Geer 62,2611 PW Delft
Yu Li
Certificated by Universal yoga school 8 years of self-practicing experience more than 3 years of teaching experience
Yin-yang yoga
Yin and yang is a concept originated in ancient Chinese philosophy that describes how obviously opposite forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.
Yang is solar, masculine, dynamic, spirituality, active, resist.
Yin is moon, famine, static, materiality, receptive, surrender.
The balance between Yin and Yang is the basement of any harmony. In traditional Chinese medicine good health from human body is directly related to the balance between yin and yang qualities within oneself and unbalance is always related with illness and misery.
Not only Chinese philosophy, balance is also a very important concept in yoga practice. Yoga is originally from Sanskrit “Yuj”, which means unite. The essential meaning of Yoga means unification, balance, control.
This class consists of two parts.
Yang part is mainly focused on body strength, more strengthening and balancing asanas (body postures) and vinyasas (dynamic movement) are involved. Through the dynamic and changeling practice the aim is to awaken the physical attention and improve body awareness.
Yin part is mainly focus on passive stretching and therefore the practice is more static and relaxing. Practitioners have more time to focus on their body sensation and go further deeper in the practice. The obvious difference of body sensation between yang part and yin part will offer more perspectives to connect and observe one’s body.
Through this class, we aim to help practitioners to be more aware of their body and mind activity and keep body and mind in a yin-yang balanced status.