Full Catastrophe Living: Our path through what is happening with a revolutionary love.
Thursday, June 11 • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Yoga Hillsboro & The Stress Reduction Clinic, online
Brant Rogers
Dear Folks; Come and share this evening of encouragement and call to a path through the difficulties that surround us during this era of radical transformation.

The inspirations for this evening echo from many corners and all call for us to recognize that life’s immense difficulties can be met with fearful reactions or courageous embrace. We all know both and during this time when the pandemic has stripped us of what we had taken for granted we will go one way or the other. We see evidence of both in the heroism and generousity of some and the wretched holding and thoughtless destruction by others.

Which path shall we take? Shall you take? My hope is that you’ll find encouragement in our evening of learning, practicing and sharing to know that the courageous embrace of everything that is happening is like a difficult and painful birth that many of you who are mothers know about.