Beginner Mindful Movement Series with Sonia
Domingo, janeiro 23 • 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
YPO Staff
New to yoga or looking to brush up on foundations? This series will explore anatomy and asana to build familiarity and confidence for public class practice. We'll break down common asanas with a weekly themed focus.

The first four classes will include a half hour of lecture and half hour of physical practice, closing with one final full-length class on week five.

Week 1: Landmarks - quick anatomy
Week 2: Root to Rise - stability then mobility
Week 3: Getting to know YOU - modifications and variations of common poses to meet you where you are
Week 4: Common Cues - familiarizing cues to help build confidence in the classroom
Week 5: Be Here Now - putting it all together by letting it all go and just flow! Mindfulness in practice.

May be purchased individually or as a series. All are welcome!