Alignment Series: Floor Postures
Sonntag, April 21 • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
YPO Staff
Alignment Workshop - learning and refining classic yoga poses from the perspective of a hot yoga and vinyasa trained teacher. You'll learn the sanskrit and English names, meanings, form, and function of each pose. We will have yoga props at our disposal to allow each pose to meet us where we are. This workshop series is offered in four 90 minute classes to include a yoga practice, lecture, and lab where we practice the poses together with hand on assists available and not required. The last fifth class in this workshop series will be a 2 hour practice with opening meditation, pranayama, putting the poses into practice, savasana, and closing meditation.

This month: Floor Postures- bhujangasana (cobra), dhanurasana (wheel), setu bandha sarvangasana (bridge), sarvangasana (shoulder stand), halasana (plow), ardha matsyendrasana (half Lord of the Fishes/seated spinal twist), variations, binds